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Flashback to My Life: My Junior High School Day

It's been a while since my last post. This time I want to write about my junior highschool day. I am actually had been in two schools during that period. In the first and second year of my junior highschool, I went to SMP Negeri 4 Kotamobagu. My mother works there, and request a transfer on my third year, so I also move to SMP Negeri 5 Manado.

In my first and second year, I was active in Volley Ball Club, and our girls team always win in Kabupaten level (which is represent Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow) and often participate in Province Level (North Sulawesi). That is quite my glory day, and I have so much fun doing sport and make friends. I also often participate in Quiz Competition Province level, and won Bahasa Indonesia Speech Competition held by Dinas Pendidikan Kotamobagu. In the last competition I met my bestfriend Rizkyana aka QQ, and we become very close especially in highschool (she was my classmate, and sit beside me for two years in first and third year). I also think I've won a third place in writing competition for celebrating Kartini's Day.

I was very happy during that period. I have a lot of good friends in my school. I also active in student council with my friend. We had a good time, and it was very sad for me to have transfered in another school because my family all move in Manado.

In my third year, I move to IX E Class, and met another good friends. There is a funny story on my first day there, I was asking to find Class E, but I got in the wrong class which is VIII E instead of my real class. The misunderstanding continue for two hours, and in the end my homeroom teacher come looking for me, I was saved, Lol. In my new school, I don't participate in competitions anymore, and just focus preparing for my national examination. I got second place ranking in my school for the final national examination, and getting into my first choice of highschool: Binsus Senior Highschool of North Sulawesi. My story for today ends here. Perhaps I will write another story of my senior highschool period, depend on whether I have the time or mood to do it. Maybe you can also give me some ideas on what to write next. See you!

Best regard,


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